
Monday, September 10, 2012

False Starts & Post #801!

Can you believe it?  
I get all geared up to begin anew and this is what happens.

The Lizbeth #40 is wonderful after the previous experiences. In spite of the close attention and taking my time, I missed that picot!

I notice my tatting has reached another level in my ever-persistent quest for mastery. Suddenly, it is looking better to me.  The split chains are tighter and the all-over tension definitely so.

When I packaged up the giveaway packets, I enclosed some tatting and had a twinge of egotistical idiocy when I wondered if I should send the motifs, as they were from my 'bad tatting days' of only a couple of months ago! Ah silly, foolish pride! Of course, I sent them.

Because I tat so much though I do see that I have reached a new plateau.  I wonder how long this one will last.  It seems that I never feel the progress until I have passed some invisible barrier and then look back and notice that I have covered some ground. I suppose that happens with learning and improving new skills in all kinds of endeavours.

I see big improvement in split chains:

Supplies for the new hankie edging:

The Cèbèlia is wonderful to tat with after the Valdani, and I am finding my tension is very good in spite of the soft 3-ply!

The border feels dense and stiff in the #20, an occurrence that has never happened before with this thread and my shuttles.

The pretty border pattern is one of Bessie Attenborough's (with special thanks to my enabler, Diane!)

The dollar-store hankie is going to be very sweet!
(Thanks to Miranda, I have the perfect Delicas for this border.)


  1. I like your new start, that doily is going to be so eye catching when you have finished it.
    your edging is very nice, and will set off the hanky very well.

  2. It may feel stiff now and soften with use. I love the edging with the touch of red!

    1. I LIKE the stiff feel of it! Better than my usual floppy tatting!

      Red? Gee, in real life they are a deep pinky colour. I like them as well, just as a wee hint of colour. Thanks!
      Fox : )

  3. Good work, love the red! My sister-in-law remarked the other day that my tatting has improved. Really? I suppose it has.

  4. The beads really pick up the border colour on the hanky. This is looking so fine!
