
Thursday, August 9, 2012

Athalia Completed

This is the original Athalia design:

I am pretty sure the thread is Yarnplayer's 'Peace."

This is the one I completed tonight:


Originally, I designed this after the Misha heart last year, using the idea of rings in a semi-circle around four corners.

The pink sparkle-thread is from Suneeti, (S, it goes a LONG way!) given to me last summer.  A special someone helped me wind it onto cardboard!

I do not have the little round doodad, so I used the same one I used on the Misha heart, as I have a few of those.  This changed the outer shape somewhat, so I have to re-tat it and change the count...

Tomorrow I shall write up a final draft of the pattern.


  1. Replies
    1. You are so sweet, Michelle!

      This one is free. : ))

  2. As long as there are four joining places spaced equally around it, I think the size of the center thing matters more than the shape. The diagonal of the square must be longer than the diameter of the circle, because it pushed the sides out a little bit.

    1. You are right. I knew it, but was trying like crazy to ignore it, but now I must tat another one with smaller central rings...
      Fox : 0

  3. I love the top one! It has a very fun shape!

    1. I am trying to figure out the right count for that one, Jess!
      Fox : )

  4. I agree with Miranda, the overall size between the joining holes is what matters, not the shape so much.
    I like your pretty motif. and your mother's name

    1. Thanks, Ladytats,

      You are right! I am fixing it now...

      Thanks. I love her name.
      Fox : )

  5. Hi Fox

    Those are gorgeous and lovely pattern of course it depends on the dooda as to what shape it will end up as. The top one that's is gorgeous colour thread, you don't say what colour it is.

    I am sure the certain person that helped you had four paws and was a great help - not
    Love toGian

    1. Margaret,

      I believe the thread is called 'Peace' by Yarnplayer.

      Apologies to Marilee and the true thread dyer if I am mistaken!

      Fox : )

  6. Wow! You are on a designing roll! I didn't find any doodads that would work on my shopping spree the other day, so I came home and ordered online. I see tatting with doodads in my near future!

    1. You and me both, Diane! Finding ( ahem.... love that verb.... ) the right finding, is definitely difficult, I have found!!!
      Fox : ))

  7. Replies
    1. Thanks, GK. You are too kind. That last one is so lopsided! I am working on it!
      Fox : )
