
Sunday, July 8, 2012

The End of Ends

Okay, it’s Occhi.

 #80 HDT by Krystle    #41/100   

My Mum is home from the hospital and I am in the process of setting up appropriate care for her at her residence, so that she can remain semi-independent.  Thank goodness for tatting, as all this has been extremely stressful.

Many out there inTat-land know precisely what I am dealing with, who have also been grateful for the support of this fantastic community and for the solace that tatting provides during difficult times.

Funny how a simple skein of coloured thread and a small, plastic gizmo with a hook at the end, decorated with a pretty floral pattern, can provide so much relief. These past weeks, my shuttles have been close companions, always offering a safe and soothing escape. Hail to the HDT!

Since the bits have been all used up, I am tatting with new thread (Yay!) and planning a small giveaway to thank you all for the amazing support.  It sure helped a lot! Now that I have your attention, stay tuned!!!


  1. So glad your Mom is doing enough better that she was released, I will keep you both in my thoughts and prayers as you arrange for her care at home. The edging bit is really lovely!

  2. You must feel great relief now that your mother's home. It is amazing how those little bits can be great tension relievers. Enjoy your tatting!

  3. Glad your mom is home, and you can be a little more stress-free. It is amazing how such simple things can provide us with an escape from reality - my hubby cannot understand how that tangle of thread, a shuttle and a page of symbols, lines and numbers can be "stress-relief". I just tell him it must be like fishing :)

    And the blogging community is awesome support. Another amazing FACT!

  4. I love your post- you so eloquently expressed my same sentiments. My mother has had ongoing health issues since 2001 and my shuttles have been my constant companion throughout all the hospital stays, medical procedures etc.

  5. So glad to hear your mum is out of the hospital and able to return to her own home.

  6. What Maggie said - what an eloquent, true post.

    I am glad your mom is home, and that you are changing colour - though I must say, that was a particularly lovely one!

    Much love your way.

  7. You know, as I look at your border it reminds me of pansies with those colors for some reason. It's very beautiful! I can't wait to get that book, I'm really looking forward to it (whenever it happens).
    I'm so glad your mother is out of the hospital now! That's such wonderful news. I don't envy you the process of having to set up homecare, but I'm glad that it's homecare vs. a nursing home. You're a good daughter Fox to take out so much time to spend with your mother.

  8. Hi Fox

    I am glad your mother is out if hospital, I have been there have all the tea shirts as they say, so I know what you know, it's amazing how something you think could be simple turns out to be totally stressful, here in the UK they won't let anyone home unless care and support is in place or arranged. Well that's what they say but in practice it does not work, there is a daughter and they care what work the daughter does its drop everything and sort it.

    Lovely edging, have you decided what you are going to do with it.
    Sending you a big hug, take care


  9. Glad to hear that your mother is home now. It sounds like she will do well with just a little help. That is good news, and will allow you to have less stress and worry. It's good that tatting can help with getting through the rough times in life. By the way, love the colors and design in your piece shown at the top!

  10. Tatting does help in times of stress, especially when you have to hang around hospitals. Pleased that you Mum is now home.

  11. So, so thankful to read your entry today. Prayer carries the weight. Your edging is very attractive. Could it be for a shirt pocket? or?? Blessings to you and Mother as you arrange for the home care. Karen in OR

  12. glad you mother is able to be at home. Home health care can be a blessings, allowing for some independence.
    small tat pieces can be very helpful with stress, short quick projects bring feelings of success when things look endless around you.

  13. So glad to hear your mum is making progress! The edging is stunning. I love the way the colours give it a whole different look.

  14. I just love that edging except I didn't succeed on my try on the pattern. Now I seen yours, I am going back to it and try it again. That thread is just lovely. Can you tell me what thread you used?

    1. I added the link! It is from Ktystle - 'Wisteria Lane’ HDT. : )

  15. How did I miss this? I'm so glad your Mom is out of hospital! Such an upsetting time, I know, but thank goodness you had your tatting to busy your hands and calm your mind. Hugs
