
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Down To The Last Drop

Just made it!  
This is what is left of Sherry’s ‘Picadilly’ HDT #50!

Now adding the second border to attach the edging to:

Done with the hankies for a LONG while!  
I’ve had my fill - unless I find a really pretty one!  : 0


  1. congrats on have just enough thread. that can be "scarey" when you get right down near the end if you will have enough or not.
    your crochet stitches look even and neat. It will be a very pretty hanky when you have finished it.

  2. Pretty pattern!

    Your hankie is beautiful!

  3. That's cutting it a little close. That hanky is going to be gorgeous!

  4. Yes, never say never! Glad you had enough thread. Very pretty colours again.

  5. Replies
    1. ; )) Sheer determination and a little bit of good luck!

  6. Hi Fox

    Never say never well done managing to do it, I am pleased you managed to finish it with just enough thread


  7. Looking forward to seeing it finished. Why do you do two rows of crochet? I've learned I need to do one row to rescue the tatting if needed in the future but didn't know that when I did my last hankies. Karen in OR

    1. Hi, Karen,
      I think I saw it on Frivole’s blog (could be wrong here) where the hankie colour was the first crochet row, followed by the colour that is the same as the thread to be attached to the hankie, being a different colour than the hankie itself.

      Here, the tatting to be attached is white, and the first row of crochet is pink like the hankie. Clear as mud?
      Fox : )

    2. Yes. You explained it well. Seems it's a simple way to add a touch of class. I like this idea. Thank you, Karen

    3. Hi, Karen,
      Glad this works for you! I like the method very much too.
      Fox : )

  8. Cutting it close is not fun!!! I never would have dreamed I would need 3 skeins of Karey`s thread to do that large doily!! Glad it worked out!!
