
Thursday, June 7, 2012

Calling Tatters Thirty and Under!

I had a call from a journalist yesterday who is doing research for an  article about tatting.  Exciting, no?

Once again I had to dispel the old, “Isn’t tatting a dying art?’ question and then we got down to it.  It was a fun intervie, and I believe I provided a some useful information.

She asked me if I would do a call-out on tat-ology for young people - thirty and under -  who are getting involved with tatting, for she wants to conduct interviews for her research with the next, up-and-coming younger generation of new tatters.  

Anybody out there in Tat-land interested?  It would be wonderful to see an article about tatting in a recognized publication, wouldn’t it?

Email me ( see my profile) if you are interested in speaking with the journalist. She is an excellent communicator, very easy going and relaxed - fun to talk with.

After we spoke,  it struck me that this woman needed real, live samples of tatting. So, I got out my little box of tatted goodies and re-experienced how difficult it is to part with my little motifs!

But, I plunged bravely onward, because the work is better off out there in the world, where it can be seen, fondled and appreciated, rather than sitting hidden away in a gloomy cupboard.

The one thing I worried about - oh, the  smarting ego - was that some of the stuff is old, (4 years!) from my learn-to-tat days and not very professional-looking. I know you relate to these sentiments!  Of course, I explained all that in excruciating detail  in the letter .  : ))

Here is the pile of motifs I put together along with the letter I composed, explaining what techniques are involved in each one - you know -  Catherine Wheel joins, picots, Clunies and so forth. The package was wrapped up and the bundle mailed off yesterday afternoon!  Whew!


Now, a change of pace...
A mignonette motif, tatted to escape finishing the hankie.
Only 20 repeats more of its edging left to tat!

#21/100 Motif Challenge                #12 Valdani        
Pattern: The Tatter's Treasure Chest
About six inches across

I stopped here; the pattern goes on for lots more rows...
I  think I made the point though and I am now
ready to go finish the you-know-what.


  1. That is so cool! Too bad I'm a bit over 30 ;-) I hope you have some people respond, it would be good to let it be known that young people do this "lost art" too.
    The mignonette motif looks good. I don't have much luck with mignonette - can't get the bare thread the right length. Nice job.

  2. I hope you find many young tatters willing to talk to your journalist - how exciting. The motif looks great in those bright colours. Good practice in bare threads!

  3. Hi Fox

    Sorry this old lady is well over thirty, and been tatting too long for your call for the younger set.

    I can understand why you left the motif at that point, so many rows all the same pattern, it looks very well tatted and I love your colour way.

    Love to Gian


    1. Hey Madame M.,
      You look pretty good for an old git!
      Love and mice toes,
      Gian : )

  4. That motif is pretty!! :)
    I have 10 repeats on the butterfly edging I am doing and really pushing myself to just get it done with, so I understand. :)

  5. I passed 30 a looooong time ago! My almost-10-year-old granddaughter wants to learn to tat this summer, but she hasn't learned yet. I sure do hope you find some takers!

  6. I'm ALMOST under 30! :-) 33, I'm getting OLD! ;-) I think it's wonderful you're well enough known for a journalist to call you and want to do an interview with you about tatting! Congrats!

    1. Carol,
      Mine was just one of many blogs she checked out! Nothing even remotely like fifteen Andy Warhol minutes!
      Fox : )

  7. How young is the journalist interested in? I just taught 14 students and my younger daughter to tat in May. I think one of them might be very interested but maybe the journalist is looking for more experienced ones?

  8. 37 no help on that front, though I don't think of myself as that old yet :-). Love the mingonet yatting, always intrigued by that...though I haven't tried it, seems like it could get monotonous quite rapidly.

  9. This is really exciting!! I am delighted that the journalist contacted you! I'm sure she'll be impressed with your samples! (I still can't get over the stranger who handed you a shuttle! That's a story in itself!)

    I'm thinking of a few under-30 tatters here on the blogs who are very creative and talented, so I hope they respond. And Michelle's young group could give insight as to why they are interested in learning to tat. (They no doubt were inspired by Michelle, who has made it look fun and appealing!)

    I'm just delighted to see ANY interest in tatting in popular magazines. I wish that the crochet magazines could include tatting, as Old Time Crochet used to. Rebecca Hollenbaugh did a wonderful job there as their tatting editor. I am also grateful to Workbasket, which kept tatting in view for several decades, even though I couldn't figure out how to tat!

    1. Hi, Kathy,
      I was delighted to hear from a journalist (I looked up her stuff and she is very good!) about tatting! It is exciting when it gets some news coverage. i have passed on a number of replies already, so I hope all works out for the benefit of Tat-land!
      Fox : ))

  10. I am with Julie - I consider myself a young tatter, but I certainly have passed the 30 mark...

    That said, I loved this post. I think the mignonette motif is adorable and cheerful. And I also wanted to say, your delicate edging looks lovely on your blog banner.

    Happy tatting!

    1. Thanks, Monica. i wondered how that mignonrtte looked. I am too close to it to tell... ; ) Same thing with the banner. Thank you for noticing!

  11. So over 30 is old, huh? Guess I'll have to get my cane and hobble to the kitchen to prepare the Metamucil to drink while I'm tatting, if my ancient arthritic hands can still manage it! The fact is, I do still consider myself a young tatter, but I'm about to turn 35, so no help to this journalist. I do think it's awesome that a journalist was interested in tatting, though!

    1. You think YOU are old? HA!!! I’ve got decades on you!

      I think the reason for asking for youth in Tat-land is because the writer wants to take a rather new look at the art and through the eyes of completely new-Century young people. I get it. The art lives on and she wants to know why younger folks are drawn in by what seems to many to be the ‘lost” or "dying” art. Knitting articles went through that transformation years ago...

      An Old Fox Who Can Learn New Tricks....

  12. I've certainly got decades on the "new" tatters the journalist wants to talk to, but I'd be happy to speak to her as a designer and a teacher, if that helps.

    Totus Mel might be just about perfect for this.

    1. CM, Totus Mel was the first person I talked about!

  13. I will be twice 30 in 2 yrs time so I don't count for her research. oh well.

    Ooooooo I love your new header, very pretty.

    and you mignonette stitch is very good. like your colors.

    1. Thanks, Ladytats. I am happy you approve of the header. I thought it might be too sickly-sweet!

  14. I'm under 30. LOL but perhaps she's rather drop me an email - kinda expensive to call me all the way in Singapore.

    1. wickedtats - you never know! I’ll send her your email... Fox : )

  15. Oooh, the mignonette is to die for. Beautiful!! When it is four years old and thus your older work, you can send it to me! :-) I'm a new tatter, but too O L D for the interview! :-/

    1. Thanks, Jennifer! I am glad you like it - I am rather fond of the look of mignonette as it reminds me of some other era, black and white flicks and a movie star - Loretta Young I think her name was...
      Fox : ))

  16. That's cool, but I'm not sure I should comment. I'm 29 but I'm far from a young women. No else has said it so I will. That's sexist; why would she assume that only women tat.

    1. Oh, NO! Jeff, that is all MY mistake! We talked about tatters and I informed her that there were male tatters, though a lot fewer than women, and she was surprised and thought that was very cool!

      Then I went and blew all that goodness by saying “young women” i my post. I am sorry! I have corrected it. Entirely my fault and very subconscious.

    2. And one of my new tatters who is just 12 years old is a boy. : ) He's one of the more gungho ones.

    3. That's alright. I guess I'm a bit sensitive about this.

    4. And I am usually much more sensitive to this kind of issue! Thank you for understanding!
      Fox ; )

  17. I don't know if my first comment made it.

    Your tatting is beautiful as always. Thanks to your post my husband called me old :)

    1. : )) If it looks like a duck and acts like a duck... LOL!
