
Friday, May 11, 2012

Substitution Setbacks

    Fancy Fields ( so pretty!)      HDT by Jess at Tat-ilicious                 #14

Firstly, I tatted this small motif from this book:

It seemed to take forever because I was not using my usual LaCossette shuttles, but GR-8 Shuttles, which arrived this week - two of them to replace the ones that were lost in the fiasco last June, when all my shuttles in the red tin disappeared... Can it already be a whole year ago? Yikes!

Notice the little flowers - some of them roll at the end of the ring.  Half I tatted regularly. With the others I used the ‘posting’ method before closing the ring when tatting on the backside.  The latter rings are far superior. [ If you are reading, do you not agree, Suzanne? : ) ]

It has taken me this long to be able to order two of these and I am surprised at how long it is taking me to adjust to them.  

Anyone out there in Tat-land know what I mean?  My fingers are sore today from the manipulations I use to forward and reverse the thread.  I really hope that I will get used to them again, as it is nice to have a change once in a while. They are small and sturdy little tools and I love the colours I picked.  The other one is white with a hint of green.  Very pretty.

At any rate, I did finish the socks for Mini-Boss.  I will be seeing my daughter, her mom, at the end of the month, so I will give her the socks then rather than trust these beauties to the postal service!


  1. Your color choise is always so stunning.
    The little socks are so beautiful.

  2. Those GR8 shuttles are very nice looking. I have one but sadly could never get used to the tension thing on them. I was spending all my time adjusting the screw and it still seemed to tighten too much every time I wound (or was it unwound?) the thread. Shame though because they do look very nice.

    Mini-boss is lucky to have such a selection of pretty socks - but I have a question? How does the tatting withstand all the washing?

    1. Hi, Frivole,
      It is The Boss who has the biggest and oldest selection of fancy socks, and they seem to stand up to the washing machine just fine.

      Generally, I tat the edgings with #30, #40 or #50 thread and lately have been sewing it on through picots with#30 Cecelia, which is very secure.

      I have had no complaints and I do see the socks on little ankles, so I know they are being worn!
      Fox ; )

  3. I do know what you mean! As I've been tatting with La Cossette's shuttles, I've become accustomed to the feel of them. I just switched to a SewMate, which is obviously larger, and I'm having a terrible time getting the consistency I want. I love my GR-8 shuttles, but I don't use them very often because of their bulk.

  4. Hi Fox

    I love the colours that thread is gorgeous. Lovely pattern, I know what you mean I can't tat with strange shuttles, it takes me a while to get use to a new shuttle.


  5. I love the way that edging looks in two colors. The shapes formed by the green chains would never stand out so well otherwise.

  6. Always reading...not always commenting. Of course, I agree. Not that that makes either of us right! :-)

    Mini-Boss is going to have superbly elegant ankles. Very pretty sock edging.

  7. P.S. I never did make friends with my GR-8 shuttle. The hook is defective, and tensioning the bobbin properly proved to be nigh impossible. Pity, because it is a very nice size and shape.

    1. Thanks, Suzanne! I am having trouble with the GR-8 shuttles... Yes, it is a pity.
      Fox : )
