
Monday, May 14, 2012

I Hear You! Bean Sprouts?

Your comments sent me to the steam iron, since obviously I have still not learned not to post too hastily; I just get so excited to show off my new creation!

Here it is again, (see last post for the BEFORE photo) after a bit of hasty blocking. With more time devoted to this aspect of my tatting, I think I could force even more of an improvement, but as I said, I get very excited, so here it is again.

A bit more sprout-like...  : ))


  1. Oh, yes. Much better. Given the speed at which the comments fly around here, it is beginning to feel like a live conversation! Looking forward to seeing the next project. Will it be a Blomqvist hat trick?

    1. Thanks, Suzanne. Really, your words have always lit a fire under my tatting fingers!

      And yes, sometimes it does feel like a live conversation, doesn’t it?
      Fox : )

  2. Very pretty!!! I really like the different colours you used in this piece!

    1. Hi, Kelly,
      It was a gamble - I never know if the weird combos that I pick are going to work out well. Got lucky this time!

  3. Great job, Fox! But a beautiful fruit-cake for me! Very nice color composition! Did you decide in advance or step by step in progress?

    1. Hi, Guni,
      I thought about it in advance - I usually do. I like the fruitcake image... Thanks!
      Fox : )

  4. I have just been painfully reminded that Livi wants to me make her one of the crowns from that book. (eeek!) I guess now that it is summer I should really get that done sooner rather than later. :o)
    I love your doily! With the dark center and the red on the outside, it looks like a big eyeball. And of course, I love eyes :o)

  5. Hi Fox

    Looking good, great piece of tatting.

    Love to Gian,


  6. Ooh! I love your cheerful color combination! Somehow I missed the last post, so I went back and looked. Isn't it amazing what a little bit of steam will do? I need to use it more frequently!

  7. Hi Fox, I love it how you tatted this pattern, very nice work. What does it mean "spray iron"? Is it some starching spray, what you have to iron as well, or it is some sort of spray for blocking with pins?
    I often use a starching spray, but sometimes it leaves white spots on the colorful pieces:(

    1. Hi, Orsi,

      Mary Ellen's 'Best Press' has gained great favor with tatters in the United States as a spray starch that requires no ironing for tatting, and leaves no residue. Just pin out, spritz, and let it dry. It comes in lots of nice scents.

  8. Hi, Orsi!
    Thanks for the comment as I meant to say “steam iron”! Just a typing mistake. I use a regular, very inexpensive iron - nothing fancy. All I need is a hot iron that produces good steam!
    Fox : )
