
Friday, April 20, 2012

Why #80? Ever?

What is the fascination I have for using #8o thread.  It just frustrates me because I always have to un-tat and this is the worst for correcting stitches. Plus, I have only one good light and the stitches are very difficult to see in the evening when I usually tat.

Hankies? Okay. Seems reasonable to do borders in #80, but anything else, for me, makes absolutely no sense at all.

Why do I need to tat teeny, tiny motif, anyway?  It seems idiotic if I think about it...  However, the next two photos show what I have managed to produce using this ridiculously skinny stuff.

#4/100     Pattern is from The Tatters Treasure Chest.

It is SMALL! Compare it to the shuttle...


Something new: Another Great Video by Frivole!

I have to thank Frivole for her fantastic video, here.

I had read Wolfgang’s instructions over at InTatters, but kept starting with a lock stitch!  (Don’t ask.)

Then I watched this short, illuminating video. Easy peasy!

So, I started the Tischband leaf, and though the beginning is fine (only if you start with the CTM, however.) I seem to have messed up royally on the rest of it.

Why can I not follow instructions!

Next, I had to try a lovely, simple edging 
from my newest favourite book:


Tatted with Lizbeth #40.  Much more civilized.

An after-thought:
I just realized that yesterday was the third anniversary of tat-ology.  My first post was on April 19th, 2009.  Wow.  How did that happen?


  1. I absolutely LOVE all of your tatting Fox! I don't know how you make it look so good in the size 80, I'm still struggling with size 40 sometimes. 80 scares me. I really need to get that peacock books so when I'm good enough I can tat some of these beautiful things from it! Frivole's video is really well done, she's a good egg to have made that.
    Hope you're having a great day Fox, looking forward to reading more!

  2. lovely motifs !
    I like the thread size 80 too (by DMC it's called "fil dentelle")
    I agree with you, it's very difficult to see if stiches are correct in size 80.
    of course, we should do the difficult patterns first time in size 20 and then, when perfect in size 80 ! But it is only a theory and in the practice, I do not really do that, because I am always in a hurry to realize the work

  3. Congratulations on your 3rd blogaversary!!! Wow! I have enjoyed your blog so much and learned so many things, thank you!
    I started tatting with size 80 (well not the first few stitches) but that's what my great aunt used and that's what I thought tatting *must* be. There weren't blogs or anyone else around here so that's what I did for many years. Recently with the internet, I discovered a whole new world and have enjoyed size 20 and 40 greatly! I still use 80 or 70 but what a revelation! Your work looks lovely especially with the lovely shuttle. I think the small size is what frustrated me because it took so long to produce anything of size.
    I did the same thing with the tischband leaf, I think you've gone too far up on the sides. The color is very nice!
    Congrats again!

    1. Thanks,Michelle,

      I will struggle along with the #80, because I like it, but I will continue to “kvetch!”

      Yes, I went too far up the leaf... I really thought I was following the instructions perfectly! HA!
      Fox : )

  4. I don't know about you, but I tat with size 80 because it makes me feel feminine. ;-)

    Your tatting is beautiful as always. I also appreciate Frivole providing a video for starting a chain with a picot. I'm guessing that I'll now be able to stop using paper clips!

    I have been tatting motifs from my new book, but I haven't tried an edging yet. Soon!

    1. Diane, It is a terrific technique, but ONLY if you are using the CTM. Otherwise there is a knot. Or maybe some tatter knows something I do not about this???
      Fox : )

  5. Absolutely cute and totally my color,Fox, the little cute green pink motif!!!
    I know your problems about #80. But I agree to ancolie, it't a matter of practise. When I started shuttle tatting first I controled each ds and looked at it. This was horrible with #80, more htan with #20, yes! This was unlike to the needletatting, you don't have to controll long time because it sits obviously on the needle always in the same way. With shuttles the knot can be overlapped, the second on the first, not closed together..., and all because you can't see it, its't hidden behind your pitch and with #80 its so small...But I overcame this stadium, because I love how tight a tatted piece feels in size #80 in your hand, (don't know the right word "das Geknotete fühlt sich so schön fest an") it's a unit, a piece, and not just many ds, because you can't see nor feel the single ds. And what for? For greeting cards or give away pocket presents;-))
    I am so happy to see the new edge, it's also lovely, and the first pattern which is also in my old book. I started thinking that they changed every pattern in there. How many pages is the book now?
    Happy #40 ;-))

    1. Hi, Guni,
      My stitches are not tight enough to get that "das Geknotete fühlt sich so schön fest an” feeling! It is sort of a density or solid, substantial feeling - whatever -Es fühlt sich gut an!
      Fox ; ))

  6. CONGRATULATIONS, Fox! Even more amazing than your third blogaversary is that you've been tatting for only about four years! I can't get over that stranger handing you a shuttle! She can't imagine how she changed your life! You have fearlessly tackled just about every technique out there and have shared all your ups and downs, plus very valuable research, not to mention gorgeous tatting - and photography - and your own designs! And it was on your blog roll that I discovered Frivole, who quietly came on the scene and has bedazzled us with her tatting, patterns and videos, including the recent one!

    I agree that size 80 is too labor-intensive, although you've shown such a pretty motif here (beautiful match to the shuttle)! There are some clear glass 'locket' pendants out there that these delicate motifs could fit into, Also size 80 would be good for the resin shuttles. I just don't have the patience to work with it! I haven't tried combining strands to make it 'thicker', but that certainly would open up endless color choices, as others (such as Jane and Diane) are showing us!

    Enjoy your day, knowing how much we all enjoy your blog and your ebullient personality!

  7. So is the beautiful edging you are working on for something special? I love the greens and yellows together!! I do have some size 80 thread and a thin needle to tat with but after about 30 minutes of working with it I am almost ready to get on the roof!!!! ;)))

  8. Your tiny motif is very beautiful!!! :)
    And your leaf is cute! :)
    And your edging looks great!! :)

  9. I like size 80 thread... at the beginning I just assumed everyone used it, more or less, because that was all I could find. Then I tried some size 20, bought as a gift from the USA, looked at everyone's picture captions and realised everyone else's work was about 4 sizes bigger than mine :) I like size 80. Generally, I'm not the most delicate of people, but there's something nice about making tiny delicate things.

  10. Hi Fox

    Congratulations on three yearsof blogging,

    Your motif looks beautiful and the colours well I just love oink anyway, beautiful pattern,

    The edging looks nice and a little bigger, what are you going to do with it, hanky or an edging for a pillow

    Have a nice weekend


    1. Oh, Margaret - I just got such a laugh!

      Did you mean to say ‘pink’ or did you mean oink, which works just as well!!! Thanks for the giggle!
      Fox : ))

      Gian is very fond of swine... : )

  11. Happy Blogaversay, Happy blogaversary......imagine music and dancing, balloons, and cake!
    Lovely tatting, as always, and cool that your tat matches the shuttle. Great colour.
    I really like the edging, too. Looks like spring daffodils....well, in my head it does. The pattern is very pretty.
    Why 80? Because it looks so fine and delicate. And because you can!
    Looking forward to many more years of Tatology!

  12. You may have messed up on the leaf, but at first glance, I thought it was an adorable little jalapeno or pickle! Even your "mess ups" are great!

    1. Deb, "Pickle” made me laugh! An adorable pickle - great idea!
      Fox : )

  13. congratulations on your blogaversary Fox.
    your motif is very pretty.
    and I like your edging.
    size 80 requires good light and much patience on my part.
    you do such pretty work, and so quickly, I am always amazed

  14. Your little motif is gorgeous, and the stitches are absulutely O.K.
    And the color of this yellowish edging is so beautiful!

  15. Hi, Orsi,
    You and I seem to really enjoy certain shades of yellow. I do really like this one too!
    Fox : )

  16. Thanks, Everyone, for the terrific comments! They sure are great energizers!

    Fox : )

  17. That is a beautiful motif. I love the colors. You did a great job with the teensy thread.

  18. I meant to say Happy Blogaversary too, I enjoy reading your blog. You are such an inspiration.

  19. Your tatting in any size thread looks great. I am always amazed at how lovely it looks and how much you do! I agree with Michelle, it seems to take forever to get anything of any size done in size 80 thread.
    Congratulations on your blogaversary! Four years tatting and three years blogging - what a great accomplishment. And over 700 posts - wow!

  20. Happy third blogging anniversary!!! Imagine that ... your tatting is quite lovely. I have tried size 80 + like the sizes 40 or 20. Easier to deal with.

    The edge in yellow/green is sweet. Your small pink/green is charming (yes, you already know that). I like to have smaller motifs on hand and tuck them into cards for friends.

    enjoy the day

    1. Yes, Leila, I do already know that! The #80’s are always so very lovely when finished, but sometimes the hair-pulling makes me ask the question - again and again! Thanks for the visit!
      Fox : ))
