
Monday, April 2, 2012

Tied Up With Technology

This is going very slowly and I did not tat at all yesterday.  Usually I tat at least for a few minutes and it seems so ironic that on that particular day of the entire year I did not manage one ds! There is a reason...

I have never had a cell phone.  Never wanted one. Nobody looks up anymore; if an enormous spaceship like the ones in the movies and all the comic books were to hover low above Toronto, I think I would be the only one to see it!

Well - Saturday morning I became the reluctant owner of this:

Over the weekend, my eyes have been glued to this tiny powerhouse that has replaced my landline.

Yup, technology has finally wrestled me to the ground and I decided it was not financially feasible to have both landline and cell.  So, I had to learn the ins and outs of what everyone in the 21st Century knows already very fast.  Enter obsession. Big time.

An enormous learnng curve made sure I was totally (and I mean about 18 hours yesterday) occupied, so I forgot about International Tatting Day entirely - a belated happy one to you all.

Now I can talk anywhere, text, blog, take photos, read, and email with the big kids wherever and whenever I wish! I admit it is a wonderful freedom to have this little gizmo.  Ah, and yes, it is actually great fun.  : )


I have received word that Let's Tat, which began the journey around Tat-Land on April 1st,  two years ago, to honour International Tatting day, has arrived to visit with Miranda.

Being ALMOST half way through the list at this point means it will take almost another two years to complete the entire voyage! (at approximately three weeks per tatter)

Miranda tells me that Angeline is in great shape and has weathered the postal services of all the countries she has travelled to just fine!  Yah!


  1. Welcome to the "cell phone world"! I think it quite annoying to be walking to class and have 10-20 people almost walk into me because they are too busy looking down at their phones to notice where they are walking. BUT, I don't complain too much because I walk and tat on my way to class, so I've almost walked in a pole myself.

    1. Too funny, Jess! Tatting is a whole other ambulatory matter!
      Fox : ))

  2. Congrats on the new phone. I have not yet succumbed but I am sure it is only a matter of time!

    1. Just wait till Miss P. is older - you will have no choice but to keep up with your child's world, or you will turn into a dinosaur - like me! Dinosaur no more!
      Fox : ))

  3. Welcome to the 21st Century! We have no landlines in this area, so have to use cell phones. I don't have a very fancy one, but they are nifty once you get the hang of using them.

  4. welcome to the cell phone world.
    I have one, have had for over 10 years because of driving to get to work. been very handy during winter weather.
    i upgraded this past year to one with a qwerty keyboard, I have a couple kids that are easier to get a hold of by text then with a phone call.

  5. For a long, long time I only use my cell phone to make and receive calls, text and read messages and maybe set the alarm clock and reminders.
    Then, on my birthday last year, my kids gave me a Blackberry and now I can get connected to so may people and things online anytime and anywhere, such as to read and send e-mails and check into facebook.

    I still don't know half of what I can do with the phone but I am not rushing it. Maybe what it has will become obsolete by the time I learn how, :)

  6. I am so captivated by that stunning piece of tatting!!! :)

  7. Welcome to cell phone bliss --- I enjoy the music on phone, and texting. I use it for in-hand internet access, etc. Funny how making phone calls is the least possible thing on my mind to use it for!!!

    Beautiful tatting -- and shuttle.

  8. Welcome to the 21st century and joining the rest of the world, Now all you need is an iPad I have had a mobile for years and would not be without it, if you e-mail me your number I will send you a text. I hope you enjoy your new toy.

    I did not do any tatting yesterday I had a problem with my eye,

  9. You sound so much like my Dad... He had his land line cut off last year & says that if it wasn't for his job he'd have the cell cut off too! And my twin brother has his set so it won't even receive a text message; I've refused so far to have a smartphone, but I've had a cell for years :)

    1. Till I read this I realize I did not even think about getting a cell without it being a smartphone!!! My kids have brainwashed me!
      Fox : ))

  10. Thought I was the last person in the world to get a cell phone four years ago out of necessity. Still only use it for phone calls and do not sign up for texting even.
    Yesterday I finished my 2nd Tischband which my husband named Walt after our color blind friend! You'd understand if you saw it. Hope to block it this eve. Karen in OR

  11. Look at you up to date and all that!!! Maybe you will trade in your shuttles for some nice pointy needles for tatting!!! ;))))) Just kidding!!!!

    1. And they say that I am persistent! You are incorrigible! And I love it.
      N.N. : ))

  12. Technology can be an evil blessing! I love my cell phone, but I'm not nearly as addicted to mine as my daughters are to theirs. I accidentally left mine at home today, and guess what? I survived!

    Have fun with your new toy!

  13. Well, sounds like you had a good day even if you didn't tat. When the day comes that I join the 21st century and get a cell phone, I'll know whom to call for instructions, right?

  14. Wait until you figure out which apps let you catalogue your thread,books and keep track of your projects,want to's, and in progress. Just don't download any games or you will never get anything done.

  15. Welcome to the world of cell phones. I also was reluctantly dragged in a few years ago and have become sadly dependent. Good luck!

  16. Connie, I am EXHAUSTED! Two days of intense concentration! Games? Not on your life!!!
    Fox ; )

  17. I had so much fun reading all your stories this morning! Yes, we are now the generation, who has to addapt to the new technologies. I can remember the first cellphone of my husband, 30 years ago, hanging on a big box which he had to carry with in a car!!
    I have a smartphone, and I am glad to have it, to be in touch with my familiymembers, whereever they are. My mum, 80 years this year, always admires my phone, when I can just have a quick look at the weatherforecast or show her our last pictures. But as Jon says, I am not able to use what my children or my husband can do with it;-)), but I don't need to, my focuss is on another points in the moment. I am sure I could if I would need.
    On the other side I think we do the most adorable technical difficult things with our fingers, what our children or our husbands will never be able to do ;-))), because they don't want to either.
    Fox, by the way, playing a sudoku time by time is a very nice app for my brain.
    Diane, I am sure you survived, but the others who can't reach you, they have problems to survive^^. A business journal says "the cell phone is the modern dog leash for humans".
    I think we can decide, how to use it! At least it's possible to wind a thread on it and try to explain somebody what tatting is^^
    Happy tatting Gunhild

  18. Fox, this is too funny. After a few years of the kids trying to get me to text, I am now hooked. I feel naked without my phone . . . You are on the way to saying "Hi. My name is Fox and I'm a tatted-tangled-technoholic."

  19. That phone looks really spiffy, and the screen is a nice size! Can you see the screen clearly outdoors? We just have simple tracfones for emergency calling, and are keeping our landline. I CAN connect to the internet on mine, but the screen is too small to see it! I was exhausted just programming in others' phone numbers! Everyone seems to have several numbers where they can be reached, and without a qwerty keyboard, it's very tiresome to type names! So I can understand how exhausting it is to learn ALL the features of these smartphones! I know you'll enjoy it, though!
