
Saturday, April 14, 2012

No Rhyme or Reason

Pattern by Mark Myers         #40 Lizbeth        #1 - 100 Motif Challenge

I have been wanting to tat this for a while and then suddenly it was the pattern of the day. Funny how it happens. I will be planning to tat something I have in a book, or seen on a blog and then I will get a thought about something totally different, hunt it down and begin immediately.

This happens a lot, so I never really know what is to be “next on the list,” though I speak as though I do!

The pattern is fiddly, employing two paperclips for those pesky joins that occur on the core thread.  Pretty though, don’t you think?

p.s.  I must be getting very cocky, as I have not shaped, pressed or ironed the last two motifs!


  1. Nice, very very Nice,
    I like that restful color now and then.

  2. It's gorgeous! I think it would make a perfect tiara! Perhaps Mini-Boss is in need of a new headband tiara? :-) Hmm... I wonder how it would hold up standing straight up...

    Stephanie Grace

  3. This looks lovely. What colour is this? Looks greyish and blue.

  4. Vous avez raison d'être fier il est parfait...J'aime beaucoup ce motif...Nous n'avons jamais assez de modèles nous les passionnées! !

  5. You are just wonderful to tat a pattern like this. It looks fabulous, but personally me, I am not so brave to tat this sort of "connection". Those points where chain - to - chain make a ring shape. If you know what I mean.
    Actually I have to try anyway, because the Tishband tat along leaves. But I say always tomorrow:)

  6. That is beautiful, and I love the color! I'm afraid of paperclips. They seem to disappear completely! ; )

  7. Very pretty and I love the color!

  8. Thanks for the lovely comments! I am so glad you like this. I wanted to tat a full circle, (12 repeats, I think) but , like Diane, I am not fond of disappearing paperclips, so I quite while I was ahead!

    Fox : )

  9. Very lovely, well worth those paper clips!

  10. Lovely pattern. I like the blue also and the outer round of daisies! Instead of paperclip I prefer folded thread '20 , not affecting the tatting around it, not standing always in the middle of the way and not getting lost;-))

  11. Guni, I have tried the thread, but always seem to pull it out! : )) Fox

    1. Fox, if you put the tails of the folded thread through the loop and snug it down, it won't pull out. then all you have to do is lengthen the loop and take the tails out. you can then remove the folded thread and you will have the space you need.

    2. This is a nother nice trick, Ladytats! Thank you, I'll give it a try, sounds good for a little tiny loop! May be,Fox, in my cases, I didn't have to last the thread in the loop for a longer time. And I pull the loop around realy strong, it's always enough hole there (about 8 times folded;))

  12. Hi Fox,

    Lovely motif, and very pretty colour, it looks like a fan pattern and a very pretty one at that,
    Love to Gian

