
Thursday, September 17, 2009

Tatting Trumps Darth Vader

My four year old grandson is an unusual and gifted child. Last week, he saw me tatting (of course!) and asked what I was doing. I said I was tatting a gift for someone and he said he would like to have it. I asked if he would not prefer something in his favourite colour, instead of the orange motif. He informed me that although blue was his choice, he wanted the one I was working on. He did indeed want an orange motif. Very, very much.

He has immense blue eyes, the colour of a clear sky, surrounded with luxurious lashes. What was I to do?

It is difficult for me to refuse this little boy, but this time even more so, for I was at his home to look after my daughter who was very ill (thankfully, on the mend now).

I noticed I could not tat at all. The coaster motif has caused no problems in the past; it is a simple pattern, but while in New York I could do nothing right - literally, not one thing.

Tatting was a disaster: many starts and stops; horrible tension; mistakes cut over and over. I re-tatted the entire motif twice! All the stress resulting from shingles in the eye was tatted into that small snowflake: a real mess!

In spite of all this, my grandson was enamoured with the piece. He wanted it: he thought it was beautiful!

So, I struggled to finish and tied off the ends. Yes, literally tied the ends! I was so disgusted by then I just wanted the wretched thing done! His sweet face lit up when I presented it to him, in a quiet moment before I left.

Tatting not only helped me through a scary situation, but also brought me even closer to my grand-baby. Wow - what can I say?


  1. how sweet!! My sons eyes are like that too he has the deepest blue eyes with the longest lashes the same as my husband :) Usually no matter what he does he give me that look and I melt, my daughter does the same thing... I think the motif looks great! Hope your daughter is alot better!! Have a good day

  2. Hey Fox, sometimes happens that one does not concentrate, and what is often very easy, it's impossible to do. Only we know that the work is horrible, otherpeople see it beautiful. Your grandson looks at your work with eyes full of wonder, who knows if he will be the continuation of your work?

  3. When you see that orange motif again, perhaps slightly the worse for wear because hanging with a four year old boy will be quite adventuresome and harrowing for a piece of tatting, it will seem like an old friend and any flaws will be forgiven.

    I'm glad your daughter is better now. When things go so wrong it is good to be able to take some comfort in the things that don't change, like turning a piece of string into lace.

    I hope you are also feeling better.
    :) Ann

  4. A special moment that you will remember more than anything else from that visit.

  5. Heather, Thanks for the your message! SHe is improving daily. Fox. : )

    Ana, I love how you phrased your thoughts. You mirrored my own. Fox : )

    Hi Ann! You KNOW how wonderful it is to be able to have this addictive little pastime tucked into a wee bag, ready in a second to be there to help disperse the troubles and stresses of the day. What a blessing!
    Fox : ))

    Gina, I wish that were so! I will remember my little guy's expression for sure, but I will never forget my own baby girl's eye and face so distorted and swollen with the very nasty effects of shingles. Not pretty! All in all - a memorable visit. Fox : )
    ps I can't wait to meet you in a few weeks, as you will be one of my first in-the-flesh teachers!!

  6. Aw, lovely story. Hope my grandbaby likes Tatting, I am sure that he will be fascinated.

  7. Hi Tatskool! I just hope that one of the four really likes it enough over time to have me teach him or her how to tat! Wouldn't that be fun? I am curious to see if this one will even notice the tatting next visit. He has so many interests at this age, it is impossible to know what will 'stick'! (He DOES like hockey a lot.... oh well!) Fox : )

  8. That is sweet. I'm sure that to him that is the most beautiful piece of anything in the world! He cannot see the faults with it that you do, I'm sure of it. That is a sweet story.

    ~TattingChic ♥

  9. I think that's wonderful! Orange used to be my grandson's favourite colour, until he changed his preference to green. Shingles in the eye must have been terrible, my husband is suffering from it now - a very bad attack, and so painful! I think you were extremely lucky that your sight wasn't affected.

  10. Sometimes everything goes badly, but You were right to persevere, because you made him a magnificent present: You dedicated him a lot of time...
    You have a real talent. Bravo Fox !
    ancolie from france

  11. TattingChic, Thank you for your very kind words.
    You make me smile! : ) Fox xxoox

    Maureen, Thank you. I hope your mate is feeling better; it is such a miserable virus.
    Fox : )

    ancolie - Hello! You are so kind! Thank you so much! Fox : ))

    Julia, Thanks. She is a bit better - it is a long haul. Fox : ))

  12. I am glad to hear that your daughter is on the mend, there is nothing worse then when one of our children are ill!

    What a special story..I can just see him holding that motif tightly and proudly showing everyone what his Grandmother made just for him! :)

  13. Tatting when you are not feeling too well and tired is a struggle, I admire your efforts, I would have given up! Hope all is getting back to normal, shingles awful - in the eye even worse.
