
Thursday, August 6, 2009

What are Maltese Rings or I Am in Trouble Again!

Yup. I just realized I do not have a clue about this. I was reading Suzanne's blog and saw something that looked difficult enough to catch my eye!

Hmmm. I have been looking around for instructions that jive with my dyslexic learning style and have not yet seen anything that works. Any suggestions, out there in Tat-land?

Now, recent endeavors. I haven't even got the hang of this yet:

However. I must say, it is looking a lot better than the first attempt - which isn't saying much!

All of this, I think, is to avoid having to get on with this:

There is such a long way to go and MC #80 is very, very thin and makes the going very veeeerrrrrryyyyy slow!

One little bright spot:

- a small thing, but I am happy with it. This is "Sweetheart", by Birgit Phelps. I am sorry Birgit, but for a few days I was calling it "Sweatheart" !

The reason? I was not pleased with the curve at the top, so I modified the pattern and added the pink border using two additional chains at the top. The heart-shape is now not really a heart, but I find the shape agreeable.

I just realized, it seems to have an oddly gynecologic shape to it. Could be the tatted logo for a new reproductive product... or maybe not...

I suppose that step is my first into the murky realm of ..... design! Oh boy....



  1. Wonder if this will help, Fox? Not sure as it's quite an old pattern of mine but there are instructions on the page!!!

  2. Hi Fox!
    Maltese rings - WOW!!! They do make ordinary rings look a little dreary...

    The border you are making is SO PRETTY! I get what you are saying about the thread though. I bought some size 80 a hundred or so years ago because that was what my grandma used. She was a tatting fiend! I have never touched it - it intimidates me because it is so fine.

    I like your sweaty Sweetheart - it is very pretty. Maybe you could put a stem at the top so I can get your other reference out of my head? Don't you think it would make a jolly leaf?
    :) Ann

  3. Someplace in my files I have a 'how to for Maltese Rings' from Martha Ess. If I find it, I'll e-mail it to you ~ there may also be some info on it at Jane's site.

    I've never tried them.

    BTW love your new layout desgin

    XX Bev

  4. Hi Fox!

    A Maltese ring is essentially pearl tatting done in ring form. Make sense? As Bev mentioned, Martha Ess has a good set of instructions on her website; you can find them here:

    Hopefully it works. This is the instructions that I learned from. That is some fine looking edging and a gorgeous heart (even if you aren't happy with it)


  5. Your block tatting is coming along nicely, practice makes the tension perfect.

    your edging is pretty, and you are right size 80 thread takes forever but it looks very lacy and beautiful with you are done.
    your heart shows very good tension and the color choices look very well together. you are on your way to designing when you start adding and subtracting from patterns to make things all your own.

  6. I just found your blog from BlogCatalogue, I LOVE tatting! My Grandmother did it, along with sewing - she had a pearl plated shuttle I always admired - don't know whatever happened to it - she had it from at least the early 1900's.
    You work is beautiful - I have always wanted to learn, but am intimidated by it. I sew, but would love to learn to tat.
    You are an inspiration with your God-given gift to tat! Carry on!

  7. Jane, Thanks! This does indeed look like something I can make some sense of. I will give it a whirl.... : )

    Hi Ann! A jolly leaf, then!! I still think.... a pink caduceus, maybe, sans snakes??

    Hi Bev! Thanks - Jane sent me her pattern which I shall try. I have Martha's downloaded, and will try again; the first attempt was hopeless!

    I am so glad you like the new look. From you, such a compliment! : )

    Jeff, Hello! Thanks for the tip. I tried that one - but have since re-read it and will try again. It sometimes takes a few runs at the thing to get it to make sense!

    Ladytats, Oh, the tension! That is the challenge! The #80 is so time consuming, but I am liking the result!

    adriennesarmoire, Thanks so much for the visit! Get yourself a little plastic Clover and join this mad crew in Tat-land! It's fun and there are so many wonderful, knowledgeable and helpful folks here to help you! InTatters is a great learning site.
    : )

  8. I hate to be the one to toss a hair in your tatting soup, but what you saw on my blog are not exactly Maltese rings. Somebody correct me if I am wrong but, in Maltese rings, the stitch caps face two different directions because it is, as others have stated, a form of pearl tatting. What I did were alternate thread rings, and the instructions for those are to be found in the Shuttle Brothers' new book, which you can order from their website.

  9. For more versions of Maltese ring instructions, if you are a member of Yahoo Here-Be-Tatters, you can see Iris' Maltese ring instructions here:

    Tatman Mark Myers used to have a tutorial as well, but I can't find it right now.

    Sometimes it helps me to look at more than one version.

    Good luck with the Maltese ring--they can be fun.

  10. Suzanne//Hair-Tosser, I stand corrected. I made an assumption, because to me that pretty flower bit you have on your blog looks to me, the uninitiated to the MR, like a Maltese Ring! What do I kow?

    I have the book - I will check up on this! Thanks for the correction.
    Fox : ))

    Hi Martha, Good advice! I am having a lot of difficulty, no matter what instructions I read. Something is just plain eluding me at this time. I think I'll take a break and try again later - like my wireless.....

  11. Maltese rings are really cool. Jeff did a bookmark that was really nice last year sometime made of maltese rings.
    Your block tatting looks very nice as does your other projects. Pretty thread colors!

  12. TattinChic - You are a tease - I KNOW they are really cool - and I cannot make head nor tail out of any of the instructions! Oh, what to do, what to do.... : ))
