
Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Today was Full of Heartfelt Stories.... of which was from an elderly woman who told me she had been taught to knit when she was six years a bunker in war-torn Hungary.

Another was from a woman, both of whose parents are dying, whose son has been diagnosed with a mental illness, and whose husband is in the car industry...

I feel so blessed today; I am so glad I tatted up this happy heart yesterday. Seems appropriate to post it today.

Fox ~ Aspiring Adept of TATROMANCY (magical meanderings with rings, chains and picots)~


  1. That is one of my favorite heart patterns. I love the colors you chose!

  2. That is a very colorful heart. :)
    That is nice of you to listen to all of those stories.

  3. Diane, Mine too. These colours are foreign to me - I am trying to expand my limited use of colour, be more adventuresome and use hues that I am not comfortable with, as an experiment. Glad you think it worked this time. : )

  4. TattingChic, Not my usual choice - I am throwing caution to the wind these days!

    The stories - Strangers have always told me very intimate details. I think it is because I am truly interested in people's lives and they sense it. I am very curious and people like to talk about themselves!

  5. Fox,
    It is a beautiful heart and the colors make it seem like it is overflowing with happiness.

    It's so nice that people find a sympathetic listener in you. I'm sure it helps them just to be heard.

    PS I finished my first book on tape yesterday - it wasn't great literature, but fun. Thanks for reminding me!

  6. Hi Ann! Thanks for your lovely message. I am glad you are into the audio book thing. Watch out - it's addictive!

  7. I suppose that's the story of most of our lives there is always someone worse off than us, but we don't always realise it. We need a heart to listen to others and not ourselves - I think we all should go out of our comfort zone with colours and I think your heart looks great.

  8. I saw that heart yesterday (?) but didn't take the time to get a good look and appreciate it. I see that it is like the white one in your banner, but the big loops seem to be more smooth and even. Have you been practising? :-)

    Just one wee suggestion for next time: I might have liked the bottom flower to be red to accentuate the shape of the heart.

    I do like the quiet (all one colour) type.

  9. Hey, Vinnie! Thanks for the visit!

    B. I think you are absolutely right! I obviously did not see this at the time, and I love turquoise!

    Sally, Thanks for the visit and your thoughtful comments. Glad you liked the heart!

  10. That is a really pretty heart and a touching post. It's good to be reminded how blessed we are sometimes.

  11. We all are blessed when we have no illnesses or other problems.

    Your are is really gorgeous, it has the rainbow and peace colors!

  12. Hi there, Carla! You are so right! Thanks for visiting.

    ps I love your blog!

  13. This is so pretty and happy. Nice wrk Foxy.
