
Tuesday, May 12, 2009

More Magical Gifts & Also Black Magic Revisited

Remember the woman who lives in the retirement home with my Auntie? The one who gave me the little scissors with the unusual inscription?

Well, I dined with the old girls last evening, and it happened again! I had just given her a tatted bookmark that I had made for her, as a thank you for the little scissors, when she presented me with this super, little and powerful flashlight for my tatting! How sweet and thoughtful is that?

The gift of a shuttle first, from the lady from the South and then a pair of scissors from another total stranger are what started me on this tatting sojourn in the first place...... and now a little lampto light my way along the meandering path! I am an old romantic, what can I say! I just see such meaning in all of it. And such fun!

With my scissors and my little flashlight, I got busy with the second Black Magic last night and in just a few hours - not even three chapters of the audio book (more on that tomorrow) - look at what I was able to produce. The amazing thing is that I did not have to retro-tat anything! I just calmly tatted the first half of the bookmark, as if there never had been a problem.

You KNOW, how I struggled with this. I KNOW I am not making it up; that I pulled countless hairs out trying to get the rhythm of this one. Somehow, this second time, either muscle memory kicked in or magic was afoot again. I KNOW it was the little flashlight!


~Fox ~
~Aspiring Adept of TATROMANCY (magical meanderings with rings, chains and picots)


  1. Your bookmark is beautiful! I love the little flashlight. Little gadgets like that always catch my eye!

    Black Magic is coming along nicely! I was just looking at the pattern before checking blogs. I don't think I'm quite ready for it yet!

  2. Hi Diane
    Just had a look at your blog.... What do you mean you're not ready for it yet??? You have done so very much and it's all beautiful. Really impressive.

    I want to do the spinning wheel glass mat - but I find IT intimidating..... : ) Fox

  3. Hello Fox! Wow, I love the colors in your bookmark. And of course the Black Magic is so elegant! Next time I see my Mom, I'm going to borrow her book that has this pattern in it.

    Have a great day!

  4. Ha! My thoughts exactly! If Diane can do the Spinning Wheel mat, she can do Black Magic!

    Those little flashlights are so helpful. And lucky you, getting the scissors and a shuttle.....seems a little magic is part of your persona!

  5. Carol, You will enjoy doing this!

    Thanks Gina! A little magic is always good!

    Thanks, Jo! Glad you dropped by to look at some tatting! Maybe I could put a little shuttle in YOUR hand..... xxooxx : ))

  6. The bookmark is very pretty! What a thoughtful gift to a deserving lady. The colors look very pretty together, too.

    How sweet that she gave you another gift of the flashlight!

    That's awesome that the blackmagic pattern finally clicked for you. It's wonderful to have an "ah-ha!" moment! :)

  7. Thanks, TattingChic. I was happy to find a ribbon that matched exactly.

    As to Black Magic..... I had a bit of a black magic setback today. :( Had to start over!
