
Monday, April 20, 2009

If you haven't guessed it, I am a wee bit of a PUNSTER! I know it is a lowly form of humour, But I love it. Others don't. In the past, I have been excused from meetings and other essential gatherings, because I just could not stop! Others REALLY do not like it.

This tat-ology isn't as much a pun as I'd like it to be, but close enough:

1579, from L.L. tautologia "representation of the same thing" (c.350), from Gk. tautologia, from tautologos "repeating what has been said," from tauto "the same" + -logos "saying," related to legein "to say" (see lecture).
Online Etymology Dictionary, © 2001 Douglas Harper

Usage: Tautology, Repetition. There may be frequent repetitions (as in legal instruments) which are warranted either by necessity or convenience; but tautology is always a fault, being a sameness of expression which adds nothing to the sense or the sound.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, © 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc.

For those into word games and other etymological excursions, I've covered my tracks. Sort of. I won't get into "Foxy." I trust that anyone who may be reading is up to that one!

Now - for today, I have photographed the bookmark. The one I am planning to give to my mother, who will be moving to a senior's retirement community in the near future. She is not much on tatting, but she does like to read. Not blogs. Not anything on a computer.

However, I thought the gesture would be daughterly and appropriate as a sentiment of support and interest. Anyway, I wanted to do this pattern! I found it online - don't remember where, exactly. It was called an "insertion", and I added a ribbon, because it was the same colour as the thread - #20 Cebelia.

That's it for now. Next up ...... Tatting can be injurious to your health ..........


  1. Your bookmark is pretty! Love the colors! :)

  2. TattingChic: Thanks! I was amazed to see the colour match when I found the ribbon.
